Parallel programming | Angular 8
Performance tuning for your web applications using web workers.
2 min readAug 10, 2019
Angular 8 was released a few months ago. I’m gonna mention the angular 8 new features before going to explain who to use web workers.
- Preview of Ivy
- Web Workers
- Lazy Loading
- Improvement of ngUpgrade
These are more like performance upgrades to compete with React. hahaha!
There are two popular ways to integrate Web Worker in your angular application:
- Run all the business logic of your application in a web worker thread.
- Run some CPU intensive business logic in a web worker thread.
(Like a password encryption processes in the login)
I’ll explain my experience with web workers and why I wanted it. In the project that I’m working on, there are some components that have more than 8 database requests and other computational tasks in the OnInt();.So this is the result.
This analysis was done by using Lighthouse in Chrome DevTools.